Excel Integration

Give the Customer What they Want!

Excel is not going away — ever!

345m users worldwide have Office 365. Karrots can securely send any one of them an Excel workbook generated from automation. This makes it trivial to generate and deliver analysis for your internal customers and external partners knowing you have delivered the results in a tool they know and want.

Even the Wall Street journal acknowledges the impossibility of getting away from Excel: (Finance Chiefs Are Still Trying to Replace Excel With New Tools)[https://www.wsj.com/articles/finance-chiefs-are-still-trying-to-replace-excel-with-new-tools-11626859801]. And why should we if that’s what users want?

End the Insanity of Uncontrolled Workbooks

While our customers use Karrots to generate intermediate Tableau and Looker results, the reality is that most managers still want Excel. Not only is it what they’re comfortable with, they have the ability to do secondary analysis such as pivots. The main problem with Excel is unaudited complexity. With Karrots you generate Excel workbooks using audited code, committed to git that runs in a managed automation environments. This gives Excel users the power of data science in your data warehouse, but without the risk that managers run unknown code against uncontrolled data.

Interactive Workbooks

The Karrots Python Package generalizes the Microsoft Graph API so that a few lines of code can generate workbooks from Numpy, Pandas or Arrows. But these workbooks are interactive! Using our libraries you can format, lock and decorate a workbook in a way that allows the user to make controlled inputs that your data analytics code can read and react to! For example, if your internal user has a parametric model, then it is very simple for you to provide a workbook sheet where they can enter these parameters. E.g. Date ranges, customer classification, SKU affinity — anything really.